Nutritional status and food profile of patients assisted by the programme of STD/aids and viralhe patitisa health center of Itaperuna-RJ


  • Patrícia O.C. Ladeira
  • Danielle Cristina G. Silva


Nutrition assessment, food consumption, HIV, STD


Introduction: studies on food intake and risk factors related to cardiovascular diseases have changed the role of nutrition in HIV infection. Reports indicate poor dietary patterns concerning people living with HIV/aids, especially in individuals with metabolic disorders and overweight. Objective: assess the nutritional status and dietary profile of the patients assisted by the Program of DST/Aids and Viral Hepatitis at Itaperuna-RJ. Methods: a cross sectional study consisting of 37 individuals. We investigated the socioeconomic characteristics and has collected anthropometric measurements of weight, height, waist circumference and triceps skin fold thickness for diagnosing the nutritional status of the group. We evaluated the dietary intake of these patients. Data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, absolute and relative frequency. Results: according to the assessment of body mass index, it was found that 54% of patients were classified as eutrophic, 32.5% as overweight, 8.0% were underweight and 5.5% obese. According to the socioeconomic classification adopted 80% (n = 30) of patients belonged to class D and 20% (n = 7) in class E. It was observed that the consumption of meat, dairy products, rice, bread and margarine was considered the feeding habits of the group of individuals assisted. Conclusion: the group had nutritional status prevailing normal weight and overweight, indicating a need for nutritional counseling, since the use of antiretroviral drugs may aggravate this situation.


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Author Biographies

Patrícia O.C. Ladeira

Graduada em Nutrição pela Faculdade Redentor – Campus Itaperuna-RJ.

Danielle Cristina G. Silva

Docente do Curso de Graduação em Nutrição da Faculdade Redentor – Campus Itaperuna-RJ.



How to Cite

Ladeira PO, Silva DCG. Nutritional status and food profile of patients assisted by the programme of STD/aids and viralhe patitisa health center of Itaperuna-RJ. DST [Internet]. 2012 Mar. 5 [cited 2025 Jan. 23];24(1):28-31. Available from:



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