Temporal distribution of demand and positive anti-HIV tests in central laboratory of public health located in Niterói - RJ


  • Christóvão Damião Júnior


HIV, seasonality, public health, Niterói-RJ, temporal analysis


The HIV, whose infection causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, leads to a progressive immunosuppression and results in opportunistic infections related to HIV and others demonstra-tions in the affected people. According to the data of the 2012 HIV epidemiological bulletin, since 1980 to 2010, occurred 241,662 deaths caused by HIV in Brazil. Niterói is a medium--size city, with almost 500,000 inhabitants and high socioecono-mics indicators. We found no studies about the demand on HIV’s infection in its population, which are very important to the public health policies organization. The aim of this review is to evaluate the seasonality relation about the demand and the positivity of the anti-HIV tests on the Central Laboratory of Public Health Migue-lote Viana (CLPHMV), in Niteroi. It is a transversal analytical study time series. Data demand of positivity anti-HIV tests and the days worked by CLPHMV, collected from a database relative to the period of 2005 to 2010 have been analized. Later, the data were statistically analyzed by a temporal series and hypothesis tests for trend and sazonality. The Central Laboratory Miguelote Viana is a reference on serological diagnosis for all public health units in Niteroi and also caters the population originated from cities that compounds the Metropolitan Region II. This is an in-novative research, because no articles that correlate increase/de-crease on the anti-HIV tests demands with the related months of the years were found. As a result, we present graphics and tables. We conclude that there was not a seasonal relationship between the demand and the positivity of anti-HIV tests, performed in CL-PHMV. There was a statistically important decrease on demand and positivity of the anti-HIV tests, over the years studied betwe-en 2005 and 2010.


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Author Biography

Christóvão Damião Júnior

Mestrado Profissional em Saúde Materno-Infantil – Universidade Federal Fluminense – Faculdade de Medicina.



How to Cite

Damião Júnior C. Temporal distribution of demand and positive anti-HIV tests in central laboratory of public health located in Niterói - RJ. DST [Internet]. 2022 Jul. 29 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];24(4):272-. Available from: https://bjstd.org/revista/article/view/1092



Abstract of thesis