Condom use with random partners by users of testing and counseling center in STD/AIDS


  • Djulian Diego Ribeiro do Carmo Canário
  • Kamila Juliana da Silva Santos
  • Rosane Silvia Davoglio
  • Flávio Laranjeira Ferraz Segundo
  • Ana Vitória Teixeira de Medeiros Gomes
  • Ananda Ariane Januário do Nascimento
  • Karoline Barros Conceição
  • Jéssica de Sá Araújo
  • Linda Kelly de Oliveira Neves


sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS, condoms, sexual behavior


Introduction: Among the main situations of vulnerability to HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases (STD), the lack of condom use with non-fixed partners is a major problem, which affects men and women, regardless of age or marital status. Objective: To characterize the users of the Center for Counseling and Testing STD/AIDS in Juazeiro, Bahia, Brazil, whose have non-fixed partners; and to determine the prevalence of condom use in the year 2011. Methods: We developed a descriptive study using secondary data from the health service, using the Entry Form Information System of the Center for Counseling and Testing, with a global number of 408 users. In data analysis, we evaluated the distribution of variables by means of absolute and relative frequency. Results: The majority of participants were male, aged between 21–35 years with 8 years or more of schooling and about a third of them had a stable partner. The prevalence of condom use with a non-fixed partner was low (35.29%), increasing according to the schooling years. The customary use was more common among gays and bisexuals. Of those who reported having any type of STD in the past year, about 70% reported using condoms only sometimes or never. Conclusion: The use of condoms with non-fixed partners among these users is not common, being observed unsafe sexual practices that expose them and their partners at a greater risk of contamination by DST.


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Author Biographies

Djulian Diego Ribeiro do Carmo Canário

Nursing Graduate at Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco (Univasf). Professor of Medicina at Universidade de Pernambuco (UPE) – Serra Talhada (PE), Brazil.

Kamila Juliana da Silva Santos

Nursing Professor at Univasf – Petrolina (PE), Brazil.

Rosane Silvia Davoglio

Nursing Professor at Univasf – Petrolina (PE), Brazil.

Flávio Laranjeira Ferraz Segundo

Nursing Graduate at Univasf – Petrolina (PE), Brasil.

Ana Vitória Teixeira de Medeiros Gomes

Medical Student at Univasf – Petrolina (PE), Brasil.

Ananda Ariane Januário do Nascimento

Nursing Graduate at Univasf. Intern in Family Health at Univasf. Position at the Secretariat of Health of the State of Bahia (SESAB) – City (State), Brazil.

Karoline Barros Conceição

Nursing Student at Univasf – Petrolina (PE), Brazil.

Jéssica de Sá Araújo

Nursing Student at Univasf – Petrolina (PE), Brazil.

Linda Kelly de Oliveira Neves

Nursing Student at Univasf – Petrolina (PE), Brazil.




How to Cite

Canário DDR do C, Santos KJ da S, Davoglio RS, Segundo FLF, Gomes AVT de M, Nascimento AAJ do, et al. Condom use with random partners by users of testing and counseling center in STD/AIDS. DST [Internet]. 2013 May 16 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];25(2):93-8. Available from:



Original Article