Neisseria gonorrhoeae drug resistence

fron the mechanisms to monitoring


  • Cícero Carlos de Freitas
  • Renata Fernandes Rabello
  • Fernanda Costa Capela


Neisseria gonorrhoe-ae, gonococcal infections, gonorrhoeae, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), antibiotic-resistance


Gonorrhoeae remaíns an important infectious di-sease worldwide (about 60 million cases per year), although its global distribution differs between in-dustrialised and developing countries. Whereas in the developing countries the disease still continues as a major cause of infection, its incidence has been declined in many industrialised countries in the last decade. ln developing countries, therefore, this se-xually transmitted disease (STD) appears as a very serious trouble of public health, specially because it may amplify the transmission of human immune defficiency virus (HIV), besides its own clinica! com-plications. Together with this, Neisseria gonorrhoe-ae isolates continue to develop a large number of resistance mechanisms against antimicrobial agents, including some ofthose antibiotics presently recom-mended for the treatment of gonococcal infections. So, the studies of these mechanisms of resistance, the need for antimicrobial susceptibility monitoring in N. gonorrhoeae isolates, and the developing of new and effective an-tigonococcal drugs has never been more imperative than today.


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Author Biographies

Cícero Carlos de Freitas

Professor Titula r e Chefe do Laboratório de Antibióticos do Insti-tuto de Biologia da UFF.

Renata Fernandes Rabello

Acadêmica de Medicina Veterinária da UFF e Bolsista d e Inicia-ção Científica PIBIC/CNPq.

Fernanda Costa Capela

Acadêmica de Medicina da UFF e Estagiária do Laboratório de A ntibióticos.



How to Cite

Freitas CC de, Rabello RF, Capela FC. Neisseria gonorrhoeae drug resistence: fron the mechanisms to monitoring. DST [Internet]. 1999 Dec. 5 [cited 2024 Oct. 1];11(2):26-33. Available from:



Original Article