HIV infection prevalence and VDRL postivity prevalence in pregnant women


  • Mauro Cunha Ramos
  • Beatriz Leônidas Curcio
  • Madalena Tessaro
  • Helena Meneghetti
  • Lucia Cogo Marques
  • Thiago Pereira Duarte
  • Tania Ferreira Cestari


Congenital Syphilis, VDRL, HIV, Aids, STD, Vertical Transmission


Objective: To esteem the seropositivity of VDRL and the prevaJence of HIV infection in pregnant women at the delivery room. The hospital is public and is pari of the sentinel surveillance system implemented by the National Program of STD / Aids of the Ministry of Health. This is an anonymous, unlinked surveillance system created in order to estimate the prevalence of HIV in different sentinel populations. The authors also obtained data on VDRL seropositivity in the study. Methods: A confidential and linked crosssectional study with pre and posttest counseling. A consecutive sampling was used. Ali the patients that search for delivery care during two twenty day periods in March of 1997 and April of 1988. ln the second period, an infor-med consent was obtained for performing HIV testing and a questionnaire was applied. Resulta: Of the 200 samples tested by the VORL in March of 1997, seven resulted reagents (3,5%-IC (95%) 1 .42 - 7.09). ln April of 1998, also among 200 samples, three were reagent for the VDRL (1,5% IC (95%t 0,31-4,68). During this second sampling period, of the 200 HIV tests performed, 3 resulted reagent. ( 1,5% -IC (95%) 0,3 1-4,68). Ninety women (45%) had less than 6 pre-natal care visits. HIV testing was offered to 103 of the women (55,4%). During the study, after pre-testing counseling, ali 200 women agreed of being HIV tested. Concluaiona: The results confirm that both infection are prevalent in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. They also show the necessity of reinforcing the prevention and treatment programs for congenital syphilis as we as early diagnosing of HIV infection among pregnant women and implementing prevention of vertical transmission. Attention sh ould be paid in order to reach ali the health care system (gynecology, pre-natal, delivery and mother and child care services).


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Author Biographies

Mauro Cunha Ramos

Médico Demiatologista. Mestre em Saúde Público pela Universidade da Califórnia em Berkeley. Doutorando em Dermatologia pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.

Beatriz Leônidas Curcio

Acadêmica de Medicina pela Universidade federal do Rio Grande do Sul Bolsista de lniciação Científica pela FAPER-GS.

Madalena Tessaro

Bióloga. Responsável pelo Setor de Sorologia do Hospital Materno-lnfantil Presidesente Vargas do Minislério da Saúde-Porto Alegre.

Helena Meneghetti

Farmacêutica-biocquímica. Chefe do Serviço de aboratório do Hospital Materno-infantil Presidente Vargas do Ministério da Saúder -Porto Alegre.

Lucia Cogo Marques

Psicóloga do Ambulatório de Dr do Hospital Moterno-lnfantil Presidente Vargas do Ministério da Saúde - Porto Alegre.

Thiago Pereira Duarte

Médico. Residente de Ginecologia do Hospital Matemo-infantil Presidente Vargas do Ministério da Saúde - Porto Alegre.

Tania Ferreira Cestari

Professora adjunta da Univesidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Doutora em Dermatologia pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.



How to Cite

Ramos MC, Curcio BL, Tessaro M, Meneghetti H, Marques LC, Duarte TP, et al. HIV infection prevalence and VDRL postivity prevalence in pregnant women. DST [Internet]. 2022 Feb. 22 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];11(5):25-30. Available from:



Original Article