Prevalence study of human papillomavirus infection in male genital lesions


  • Sílvia M.B. Cavalcanti
  • Maria O.O. Carvalho
  • Erinaldo A. Souza
  • Bianca B. Rolim
  • Bianca M. Maciel
  • Juliana V.M. Passos
  • Luciana M. Ramos
  • Ledy H.S. Oliveira
  • Mauro R.L. Passos


Human papillomavirus, prevalence, STD


Human papillomavirus are the etiological agents of genital cancers. HPV epidemies are increasing worldwide, and are nowadays estimations the most common Sexually Transrmited Disease. Our study ain 10 search for the presence of HPV in biopsies of the male genital troct,by using in situ hybridization. Seventy íive samples were studied and obtained by using peniscopy, afterwards they were classified as condyloma. Papules and acetowhite lesions. The HPV prevalence was 78,7% (59n5). Low risk HPV 6 and 11 were detected in 59,3% (35/59) of the positive lesions and high risk HPVs 16 and 18 were found in 37,3% (22/59). li is important 10 point out lhe detection of high risk HPVs, since male patients are the most important source of infection of The female genital tract, where HPVs fully exerts their potential of maligant transformation.


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Author Biographies

Sílvia M.B. Cavalcanti

Docentes da Disciplina de Virotogia-MIP/CMBICCM-UFF

Maria O.O. Carvalho

Bióloga especialista em Virologia. estagiária do Lab de Virologia -UFF

Erinaldo A. Souza

Monitor da Disciplina de Virologia - Faculdade de Medicina - UFF

Bianca B. Rolim

Bolsistas de Iniciação Científica - Projeto PIBICUFF/CNPq.

Bianca M. Maciel

Bolsistas de Iniciação Científica - Projeto PIBICUFF/CNPq

Juliana V.M. Passos

Bolsistas de Iniciação Científica - Projeto PIBICUFF/CNPq.

Luciana M. Ramos

Bolsistas de Iniciação Científica - Projeto PIBICUFF/CNPq.

Ledy H.S. Oliveira

Docentes da Disciplina de Virotogia-MIP/CMBICCM-UFF

Mauro R.L. Passos

Docente Setor de DST - MIP/CMB/CCM - UFF



How to Cite

Cavalcanti SM, Carvalho MO, Souza EA, Rolim BB, Maciel BM, Passos JV, et al. Prevalence study of human papillomavirus infection in male genital lesions. DST [Internet]. 2001 Sep. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];13(2):27-33. Available from:



Original Article