The social assistant’s feelings facing the dissemination of SIDA among the poorest


  • Nicia M.G. de Oliveira
  • Márcia M.T. Machado


Impoverishment, SIDA, Social Services


Aids is an infections disease that has been an increasing cause for concern to all nations, due to ist growing, uncontrollable expansion. It is a disease that  is being incorporated into the daily life of social work professionals, mainly regarding to social aspects, specifically the issue of impoverishment. This  study seeks to identify froim the social worker’s point of view, their feelings upon working with patients infected by HIV/Aids. living in poverty. It is a  qualitative study. The data collection method was the individual in-depth interview, with semi-structured script. Six social workers working directly with  HIV/AIDS pacienties were interviewed, in a flagship hospital for infectious and contagious diseases in Fortaleza. Based on the results emerging from the  interviewee’s statements, some important aspects arise, such as: the anguish fell by all professionals; spiritual quest as a source of strength; the feeling of  guilt over the limited impact of actions; the feeling of powerlessness in the face of social issues that go beyond the limits of their work; fear in the face of  their patient’s imminent death; the lack of preparation for dealing with death; transfer to the patient of intrinsic values and prejudices; the need for an  interdisciplinary team for support and the need for more affective institutional support. We conclued that it is necessary to rethink the performance of the  health institution concerning these professionals, especially seeking to emphasize some strategies to improve the professional dimension: a team of  professionals qualified to deal with the mental health of those working inside the institution; self-help groups for each professional category ; the preparation  of the professional on the verge of starling work at the institution; incentives for interdisciplinary cooperation; workshops dealing with specific themes, such  as thanatology, stress, sharing of experiences and ethics, amongst others.


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Author Biographies

Nicia M.G. de Oliveira

Assistente Social do Hospital São José de doenças infecto contagiosas/ Secretaria de Saúde do Estado do Ceará.

Márcia M.T. Machado

Enfermeira, mestre em saúde pública da Escola de Saúde Pública do Ceará e do Departamento de Saúde Comunitária da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Federal do Ceará.



How to Cite

Oliveira NM de, Machado MM. The social assistant’s feelings facing the dissemination of SIDA among the poorest. DST [Internet]. 2002 Feb. 15 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];14(1):20-4. Available from:



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