Acute hepatitis for viruses A, B, C, D, E and G


  • Paulo Roberto N. da Silva
  • Bruno S.A. Lima
  • Flavio A.V.N da Silva


DST, hepatitis, viral hepatitis, HCV and HBV


The authors did a review of the literature about the most incident viral hepatitis emphasizing the acute hepatitis, principally the type B because it is oneof the most important diseases sexually transmitted (DST). Unfortunately, It hasn’t been pointed in more specialized publications. It speeches about theclinical and laboratorial diagnosis, treatment and the epidemiological data related to A, B, C, D, E and G hepatitis. There is a synoptic table showing thedifferential diagnosis among the most prevalent hepatitis’s types (A, B and C). The writers close that review detailing the magnificent prevalence of B andC hepatitis associate with aids’s patients and its great association with homosexual people and illegal drug users. It can indicates these viruses how a grandkind of DST.


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Author Biographies

Paulo Roberto N. da Silva

Médico do Centro Previdenciário de Niterói (CPN) e Diretor Médico da Clínica de Reumatologia e Fisioterapia REUMATOS.

Bruno S.A. Lima

Médico Residente na especialidade de Reumatologia e Clínica Médica do Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto.

Flavio A.V.N da Silva

Acadêmico Interno da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Gama Filho (UGF).



How to Cite

Silva PRN da, Lima BS, Silva FA da. Acute hepatitis for viruses A, B, C, D, E and G. DST [Internet]. 2003 Apr. 18 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];15(2):48-56. Available from:



Original Article