HIV prevalence among blood donors in a blood bank in Maranhão


  • Ana Maria B. Pereira
  • Flávia R.F. Nascimento


aids, HIV, blood donors


Introduction: in the beggining of HIV infection, blood or blood-derived transfusion was the most important via of infection. Since 1985, blood isanalysed with ELISA assay to anti- HIV detection to select the healthy donors. Objective: to determine the prevalence of anti-HIV antibodies inblood donors of HEMOMAR. Methods: we did a retrospective study where we revised the serologic results from all donors in the period of Januaryto July of 2002. The tests were made in HEMOMAR using ELISA assay. Results:the result obtained showed that there were 21.163 negative donorsand 267 positive ones, with a prevalence of 1,25% of positive tests to anti-HIV. Conclusion: we conclude that despite of the trials of blood donors, itis still big the number of positive cases to HIV in blood center of Maranhão, what is a risk factor to contamination.


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Author Biographies

Ana Maria B. Pereira

Especialista em Imunologia pela UFMA. HEMOMAR.

Flávia R.F. Nascimento

Doutora em Imunologia pela USP. Professora Adjunta do Departamento de Patologia, UFMA.



How to Cite

Pereira AMB, Nascimento FR. HIV prevalence among blood donors in a blood bank in Maranhão. DST [Internet]. 2004 Apr. 27 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];16(4):11-3. Available from:



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