Bacterial vaginosis and preterm labor

na association not very well understood


  • Ana Maria Fachini
  • Paulo Giraldo
  • Cláudia Jacyntho
  • Ana Katherine Gonçalvez
  • Iara Linhares


bacterial vaginosis, preterm labor, pregnancy, antibiotic therapy, vulvovaginitis


The bacterial vaginosis, disease extremely frequenty, compromise the brasilian pregnant women in approximately 20% of cases and seens to be rela-ted to preterm labor, premature rupture of membrans and new born low weigth. Even lots of studies point out this association, it is not clear if thetreatment with antibiotic during the pregnancy could benefit these women, lowing the prematurity rates. A scientific review presented en this paperobjects updating Knowlegde about bacterial vaginosis and preterm labor and point out a comprehensive overview of the studies in this area focusingconfunding factors which difficult the understanding and the rationale of the importance or not of screening and treatment of this disease during thepregnancy.


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Author Biographies

Ana Maria Fachini

Graduanda da Faculdade de Medicina da UNICAMP.

Paulo Giraldo

Prof. Livre-Docente do DTG/FCM/UNICAMP.

Cláudia Jacyntho

Pós-Graduando do DTG/FCM/UNICAMP. 

Ana Katherine Gonçalvez

Profa. Assistente Adjunta da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte.

Iara Linhares

Profa. Dra. da Faculdade de Medicina da USP11.    



How to Cite

Fachini AM, Giraldo P, Jacyntho C, Gonçalvez AK, Linhares I. Bacterial vaginosis and preterm labor: na association not very well understood. DST [Internet]. 2005 Jul. 10 [cited 2025 Feb. 2];17(2):149-452. Available from:



Review Article