Reactivity of VDRL test in bloodbags of the Amazon hematology and hemoterapy foundation-hemoam, the decurrent costs of discharge and estimative of syphilis prevalence in blood donnors of the Amazon state


  • Cristina M. Ferreira
  • William A. Ferreira
  • Cecília L. Motta
  • Felicien G. Vasquez
  • Alaney F. Pinto


serological discharge, seroprevalence, hemotherapy, syphilis


Introduction: syphilis is a chronic infectious disease that can be transmitted by blood. In Brazil, the prevalence among blood donors varies from 1 to 4%. Sensitive and specific serological tests to eliminate the possibility of transmission are now routinely used result in better quality of the productoffered for transfusion. The amount of blood bags discarded after serology is significant, causing economical disadvantages for the Institution. Objective: to determine the frequency of reactive VRDL tests in blood bags, the prevalence of syphilis in blood donors of the HEMOAM, the discarded blood bags and the estimated costs involved in the period between 2000 - 2004. Methods:restrospective study, with analytical descriptive com-ponents. All disposal datas from city and interior of the Amazon state submitted for the VDRL tests and FTA-Abs in the period of 2000-2004 wereanalysed. Results:from 237.634 blood bags 207.707 (87,40%) were from the city of Manaus and 30.016 (12,60%) from the interior of the state.From the total of the reactive VDRL realized in the city of Manaus, 870 (37,9%) were submitted for the FTA-Abs test, as well as for the 283 (32,8%)from the interior of the state, totaling in 1.153 tests. The unit cost of each blood bags in the period of the study was R$ 31.69, totaling an dischargecust R$ 100.679,30, with annual media of the R$ 25.169,78. The prevalence of syphilis in blood donors at the interior and city of Manaus was 0.49%. Conclusion: The observed custs in the period of the study are significant and requery estrategical technical/educational actions to reduce as the reac-tive VDRL frequency and prevalence of syphilis as the related cost.


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Author Biographies

Cristina M. Ferreira

Bioquímica, Mestre, Professora de Microbiologia Clínica e Imunologia da área da saúde do Centro de Ensino Superior Nilton Lins. 

William A. Ferreira

Bioquímico, Mestre em Patologia Tropical pela Fundação Alfredo da Matta – FUAM.

Cecília L. Motta

Especialista em Análises Clínicas pelo Centro Universitário Nilton Lins. Especialistaem Sorologia pela SBHH. Professora de Farmacognosia, Farmacobotânica e Toxicologia do Centro Universitário Nilton Lins.

Felicien G. Vasquez

Estatístico pela FUAM. Fundação Alfredo da Matta e Fundação de Hematologia e Hemoterapia do Amazonas. 

Alaney F. Pinto

Fundação de Hematologia e Hemoterapia do Amazonas. HEMOAM. 



How to Cite

Ferreira CM, Ferreira WA, Motta CL, Vasquez FG, Pinto AF. Reactivity of VDRL test in bloodbags of the Amazon hematology and hemoterapy foundation-hemoam, the decurrent costs of discharge and estimative of syphilis prevalence in blood donnors of the Amazon state. DST [Internet]. 2006 Mar. 18 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];18(1):14-7. Available from:



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