Education and promotion to the health

behavior and knowledge of adolescents of public and particular college in relation to the human papilomavírus


  • Francieli S Conti
  • Silvia Bortolin
  • Irene Clemes Külkamp


HPV, adolecents, sexual behavior


Introdution: the human papilomavirus (HPV) represents one of the most common sexually transmitted disease (DST). In the adolescence the biolo-gical activity, lack of information and mistaken concepts, facilitate the transmission of sexual diseases. Since the growth of HPV is getting biggeramong the adolecents, its important to make a study that could demonstrate the profile and knowledge of the adolecents related to this topic. Objec-tive:check the studants profile in public and private schools and evaluate their knowledge degree concerning HPV. Methods:a written field studywas done by direct extensive observation. The aim public of the research were adolecents students on their last year oh high school in two schools inTubarão, SC. To collect the data we used a questionnaire where there knowledge about HPV. Results:121 students were interviewed. We observedthat 55,22% of the private school students know what HPV is, where as in public school, 81,43% have never heard or don’t know what HPV is. Theyclaimed that 61,19% and 62,92% of the students in public and private school respectively, never had sexual intercourse, but those who already startedtheir sexual life, some of them had their first sexual intercourse at an early age. Conclusion:in spite of the private school have demonstrated a biggerknowledge, it’s necessary that some educational measures be done to minimize the lack of information and mistakes in relation to HPV.


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Author Biographies

Francieli S Conti

Aluna do Curso de Graduação em Farmácia da Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina (UNISUL).

Silvia Bortolin

Aluna do Curso de Graduação em Farmácia da Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina (UNISUL). 

Irene Clemes Külkamp

Farmacêutica – Professora (Mestre) do Curso de Farmácia da Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina (UNISUL).       



How to Cite

Conti FS, Bortolin S, Külkamp IC. Education and promotion to the health: behavior and knowledge of adolescents of public and particular college in relation to the human papilomavírus. DST [Internet]. 2006 Mar. 18 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];18(1):30-5. Available from:



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