Human papillomavirus infection

update on virological and epidemiological aspects and diagnosis


  • Silvia MB Cavalcanti
  • Fernanda N Carestiato


Human Papillomavirus, cancer, prevention, molecular diagnosis


Human papillomavirus are small DNA viruses capable of infecting the epithelium of skin and mucosa. More than a hundred types have already beendescribed, and nearly 40 promote sexually transmitted diseases. It is in the genital tract that 13 HPV types exert their oncogenic potential, being res-ponsible by the death of 200,000 women worldwide, annualy. The available diagnosis to STD and cancer control is based upon the colposcopy, cyto-logy and histopathology tools, and can be laboriatorially confirmed by molecular biology techniques: PCR and hybrid capture. Recently, two prophy-lactic vaccines against HPV types 6, 11, 16 e 18 (Merck) and 16 e 18 (Glaxo) were developed. They are composed by VLP (Virus-like particles)expressed in yeasts. Promissing results have been published. Nevertheless, immunological mechanisms for human defense are not well elucidated. 


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Author Biography

Silvia MB Cavalcanti

Departamento de Microbiologia e Parasitologia, Instituto Biomédico da UniversidadeFederal Fluminense, Niterói, RJ. 



How to Cite

Cavalcanti SM, Carestiato FN. Human papillomavirus infection: update on virological and epidemiological aspects and diagnosis. DST [Internet]. 2006 Mar. 18 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];18(1):73-9. Available from:



Review Article