Presence of condyloma lata in children with syphilis


  • Sandra F Moreira-Silva
  • Diana O Frauches
  • Patricia A Prebianchi
  • Claudia S B Riccio
  • Grasielly R Andreata
  • Clarissa M Oliveira
  • Paulo Sérgio Emerich
  • Ana Paula NB Lima


syphilis, condyloma lata


ntroduction: sexually transmitted diseases are a real epidemic and Syphilis has been historically provoking terrible harm; perhaps as much harm asaids. Objective:present three cases of syphilis in children, with initial clinical manifestation caused by condyloma lata. Method:case report extrac-ted from children’s medical handbooks at Hospital Infantil Nossa Senhora da Gloria. Case 1: L, nine years old, male, lesion at anal region suggestingcondyloma lata. Sexual molestation not present according to medical evaluation. VDRL 1:128, FTA-Abs IgG positive and IgM negative, normalliquor with non-reactive VDRL. Mother with VDRL 1:8, FTA-Abs IgG positive and IgM negative. Case 2: Gnb, five years old, female, Condyloma-tosa lesion at perianal region; sexual molestation suspicion not confirmed according to medical evaluation. VDRL, 1:256, normal liquor with non-reactive VDRL. Maternal sorology not undertaken. Case 3: K, four years old, female, aspects of Condylomatosa lesion at perianal region. Sexualmolestation not present according to medical evaluation. VDRL 1:256, FTA-Abs IgG reactive, normal liquor with non-reactive VDRL. Maternalsorology not undertaken. In all three cases, the classification of the disease, congenital or acquired, was not confirmed. Conclusion:there is not manyinformation on the medical literature regarding condyloma latain children. Hence, it becomes a challenge to pediatricians when diagnosing suchdisease, mainly because it may be confused with condyloma acuminado of papiloma virus – this being more frequent. Besides the importance ofrecognizing the condylomatosa lesion of syphilis, it is necessary to emphasize an adequate pre-natal assistance, aiming the reduction of congenitalsyphilis.


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Author Biographies

Sandra F Moreira-Silva

Mestre em Doenças Infecciosas pelo Núcleo de Doenças Infecciosas/CBM-UFES e coordenadora da residência médica de Infectologia Pediátrica do Hospital Infantil NossaSenhora da Glória – Vitória/ES.

Diana O Frauches

Médica sanitarista, mestre em Psicologia, coordenadora da Unidade de Vigilância Epi-demiológica do Hospital Infantil Nossa Senhora da Glória – Vitória/ES e professora do Departamento de Saúde Coletiva da Emescam. 

Patricia A Prebianchi

Médica pediatra infectologista do Hospital Infantil Nossa Senhora da Glória de Vitó-ria/ES. 

Claudia S B Riccio

Médica pediatra infectologista do Hospital Infantil Nossa Senhora da Glória de Vitó-ria/ES. 

Grasielly R Andreata

Estudante do 6º ano de Medicina da Emescam – Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Vitó-ria/ES.

Clarissa M Oliveira

Médica pediatra, residente de Infectologia Pediátrica do Hospital Infantil Nossa Senhora da Glória de Vitória/ES.

Paulo Sérgio Emerich

Médico, Preceptor de ensino de Dermatologia Pediátrica do Hospital Infantil Nossa Senhora da Glória de Vitória/ES. Instituição: Hospital Infantil Nossa Senhora da Glória. 

Ana Paula NB Lima

Médica pediatra infectologista do Hospital Infantil Nossa Senhora da Glória de Vitó-ria/ES. 



How to Cite

Moreira-Silva SF, Frauches DO, Prebianchi PA, Riccio CSB, Andreata GR, Oliveira CM, et al. Presence of condyloma lata in children with syphilis. DST [Internet]. 2006 Mar. 18 [cited 2025 Feb. 3];18(1):80-4. Available from:



Case Report