Secondary syphilis

diagnostic madeby oral lesions


  • Augusto César C Noronha
  • Mônica S Israel
  • Daniel CF Almeida
  • Gisele M Moreira
  • Simone QC Lourenço
  • Eliane P Dias


oral syphilis, oral manifestation, mucous plate


Introduction: the syphilis is a infectious and contagious illness that is ascending in the Brazilian public health scenario. All professionals of the health areamust be aware of the manifestations of this illness and the possibility of injuries made by the desease, also oral manifestations. Objective: to analize a clinicalcase of sífilis that was diagnosised from injuries in the oral cavity. Methods: clinical and histopatologic analysis of the injuries of the patient have been made,as well as examinations in laboratories (VDRL). Results: the association of the histopatologic findings with the positive result of the VDRL, confirmed thediagnostic hypothesised of sífilis. Conclusion: the knowledge of the manifestations of the syphilis in all its period of training for health professionals is ofbasic importance, so that they are able to execute a correct diagnosis and treatment.


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Author Biographies

Augusto César C Noronha

Especialista em Estomatologia – OCEX/RJ, especialista em DST – UFF, mestre em Patologia Bucodental – UFF, RJ, professor convidado – FONF.

Mônica S Israel

Especialista em Estomatologia – UFRJ, professora substituta de Estomatologia –UERJ, Chefe do Serviço de Estomatologia do OMGCC – CBMERJ, mestre e doutoranda em Patologia Bucodental – UFF, RJ. 

Daniel CF Almeida

Especialista em Estomatologia – OCEX/RJ, professor assistente de Morfofisiologiada UNIGRANRIO.

Gisele M Moreira

Especialista em Estomatologia – OCEX/RJ, Mestranda em Patologia Bucodental– UFF, RJ. 

Simone QC Lourenço

Doutora em Patologia Oral – FOB/USP, SP, professora adjunta do Departamentode Patologia – UFF, RJ.

Eliane P Dias

Doutora em Anatomia Patológica – UFF, pesquisadora da FBPN/Faculdade de Medicina de Campos, professora adjunta de Patologia – UFF, coordenadora do Programa de Pós-Graduação do Departamento de Patologia – UFF, RJ.



How to Cite

Noronha ACC, Israel MS, Almeida DC, Moreira GM, Lourenço SQ, Dias EP. Secondary syphilis: diagnostic madeby oral lesions. DST [Internet]. 2006 Oct. 5 [cited 2024 Dec. 28];18(3):190-3. Available from:



Original Article