Giant condyloma acuminatum

report of surgical treatment and evolution of healing


  • Mariana Takahashi Ferreira Costa
  • Aline da Silva Gomes
  • Poliana Brito dos Santos
  • Sara Ribeiro Moura
  • Renata Soares Martins
  • Sayonara Scota
  • Andreia Cristine Deneluz Schunck de Oliveira
  • Mônica Antar Gamba
  • Sidney Roberto Nadal


Buschke-Lowenstein tumor, wound healing, wound infection, pain, fatty acids, essencial, anti-infective agents, local, batain, silver, ibuprofen


Giant condyloma acuminatum, a rare variant of anogenital condyloma, shows rapid growth associated with immunodeficiency. Wound care after resection and outcomes were reported. NGS, black, 55 years, HIV positive, with giant condyloma acuminatum affecting from the groin to the intergluteal groove, which was resected, remaining the wound opened for later skin graft. Topical care included polihexametilene biguanide/betaine solution, essencial fatty acids solution, hydrofiber/silver, and poliuretane film. The wound developed secondary infection, so hidrofiber was replaced by polyurethane foam/silver/ibuprofen. There was improvement in infection and pain, contraction of the edges and the presence of granulation tissue across the lesion. In those conditions the skin graft was performed after 41 days. Despite possible confusion bias, it can be inferred that the care adopted prepared the wound bed to receive the skin graft.


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Author Biographies

Mariana Takahashi Ferreira Costa

Masters student in Health Science by the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP), Nurse in Continued Education, member of the Skin Group of the Institute of Infectious Diseases Emílio Ribas – São Paulo (SP), Brazil.

Aline da Silva Gomes

Nurse participating in the Professional Improvement Program of the Institute of Infectious Diseases Emílio Ribas – São Paulo (SP), Brazil.

Poliana Brito dos Santos

Nurse participating in the Professional Improvement Program of the Institute of Infectious Diseases Emílio Ribas – São Paulo (SP), Brazil.

Sara Ribeiro Moura

Nurse participating in the Professional Improvement Program of the Institute of Infectious Diseases Emílio Ribas – São Paulo (SP), Brazil.

Renata Soares Martins

Nurse participating in the Professional Improvement Program of the Institute of Infectious Diseases Emílio Ribas – São Paulo (SP), Brazil

Sayonara Scota

Master in Health Sciences, Supervisor of the Professional Improvement Program in Nursing and Infectious Diseases, Nurse in Continued Education, Member of the Skin Group of the Institute of Infectious Diseases Emílio Ribas – São Paulo (SP), Brazil.

Andreia Cristine Deneluz Schunck de Oliveira

PhD in Health Sciences, Graduate Student in Stomatherapy by the University of Taubaté (UNITAU), Supervisor of the Technical Team of Continued Education, Responsible by the Skin Group of the Institute of Infectious Diseases Emílio Ribas – São Paulo (SP), Brazil.

Mônica Antar Gamba

Professor of Nursing in Public Health and Applied Nursing Administration in the Nursing School of UNIFESP – São Paulo (SP), Brazil.

Sidney Roberto Nadal

Associate Professor by the School of Medical Sciences of the Santa Casade São Paulo, Supervisor of the Technical Team of Proctology of the Institute of Infectious Diseases Emílio Ribas, vice-Master of the Chapter of São Paulo in the Brazilian School of Surgeons – São Paulo (SP), Brazil.




How to Cite

Costa MTF, Gomes A da S, Santos PB dos, Moura SR, Martins RS, Scota S, et al. Giant condyloma acuminatum: report of surgical treatment and evolution of healing. DST [Internet]. 2022 Aug. 9 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];27(1-2):48-53. Available from:



Case Report