Sexuality in old age

uma discussão da Aids, envelhecimento e medicamentos para disfunção erétil


  • Jailson L. Sousa


acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, aging, erectile dysfunction, drug therapy, STD


Recent trends of the AIDS epidemic have been placing a new age group in evidence of the discussion about vulnerability: the elderly. With the increasing populational aging, many investments have been made to improve the quality of life of such age group; in which the population is starting to live life in its fullness, with increased social relationships and also, why not, sexual relationships - once sexual desire does not end when the peo­ ple get older. The marketing of medicines for erectile dysfunction in 1998 in Brazil has brought the necessity to discuss their impact in a part of the Brazilian population which is increasing intensively - the one that did not have the habit of dealing with preventive methods decades ago. Thus, this paper aims to present a review of current scientific literature, approaching the issues of sexuality in the old age, the medicines for erectile dysfunction and the increasing of cases of AIDS among the elderly people.


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Author Biography

Jailson L. Sousa

Mestre em Saúde Coletiva.



How to Cite

Sousa JL. Sexuality in old age: uma discussão da Aids, envelhecimento e medicamentos para disfunção erétil. DST [Internet]. 2008 Jan. 25 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];20(1):59-64. Available from:



Original Article