Education in health with pre-adolescentes from a state school in Fortaleza - CE


  • Maria Eliane Maciel Brito Universidade Federal do Ceará - UFC
  • Jaqueline G. Albuquerque
  • Denise A. Silva
  • Francisco J.L. Sampaio Filho
  • Flávia V. Araújo
  • Ivana Cristina V. Lima
  • Neiva F.C. Vieira
  • Patrícia N.C. Pinheiro


pre-adolescent, education in health, quality of life, STD


Introduction: pre-adolescence is characterized by important changes in the life of the youngsters, making them vulnerable to health risks such as: undesirable pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. Objective: to experience educational activities with pre-adolescents from a state school; to provide a critical reflection concerning the proper physiological modifications of pre-adolscence and to discuss about prevention control of sexually transmitted disease and aids. Methods: this is a descriptive study, with an active-participation research approach, developed in a prymary School in Fortaleza city, State of Ceará, from March to June, 2007, with adolescents ranging from 9 to 13 years of age. Four educational workshops were used as resources to the study. Bardin (1997) was uded to data analysis. Results: the family does not have the ability to discuss sexual education, violence and harassment among youngnsters are lived inside their own family, in which the “sexuality” is forbiden on dealt with indifference. Students’ responses reinforce that adolescents are starting their sexual life earlier and that unfamiliarity to DST/aids and prevention was common to all subjects in the group. Conclusion: in the end of the workshops it was evidenced that educational strategies with groups of adolescents are implements of great importance to the learning of pre-adolescents, being elements that transform and promote the interaction and growth of the participants. Active pedagogical boardings make construction and reconstruction of knowledges possible, making the individual capable of improving his/he quality of life


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Author Biographies

Maria Eliane Maciel Brito, Universidade Federal do Ceará - UFC

Enfermeiras. Mestrandas de Enfermagem da Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC).

Jaqueline G. Albuquerque

Alunos do Curso de Enfermagem da UFC. Membros do Projeto “Aids: Educação e Prevenção"

Denise A. Silva

Alunos do Curso de Enfermagem da UFC. Membros do Projeto “Aids: Educação e Prevenção".

Francisco J.L. Sampaio Filho

Alunos do Curso de Enfermagem da UFC. Membros do Projeto “Aids: Educação e Prevenção”.

Flávia V. Araújo

Alunos do Curso de Enfermagem da UFC. Membros do Projeto “Aids: Educação e Prevenção”.

Ivana Cristina V. Lima

Alunos do Curso de Enfermagem da UFC. Membros do Projeto “Aids: Educação e Prevenção”.

Neiva F.C. Vieira

Alunos do Curso de Enfermagem da UFC. Membros do Projeto “Aids: Educação e Prevenção”.

Patrícia N.C. Pinheiro

Enfermeira, doutora em Enfermagem, professora Adjunta da UFC, coordenadora do Projeto de Pesquisa “Desmistificando Crenças e Valores de Adolescentes do Sexo Masculino em Favor da Prevenção de DST/Aids”, FUNCAP/CNPq.



How to Cite

Brito MEM, Albuquerque JG, Silva DA, Sampaio Filho FJ, Araújo FV, Lima ICV, et al. Education in health with pre-adolescentes from a state school in Fortaleza - CE. DST [Internet]. 2008 Dec. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 8];20(3-4):190-5. Available from:



Original Article