The profile of the aids epidemiological on 3rd and 7th coordinations regional health in Ceara


  • Francemarie T. Oliveira
  • Francisca N.A. Nogueira
  • Vládia Camurça
  • Enilda G. Pessoa
  • Geysa Maria N. Farias


aids, morbi-mortality, prevalence, STD


Introduction: o Brazil according to the World Health Organization, is facing an aids epidemic of 474.273 cases registered in the period from 1980 to june/2007. Objective: in that regard, the study has managed to analyse the profile of the aids Epidemiological on 3rd and 7th Regional Health Coordinations in Ceará, a total of 13 cities. Methods: the methodology was descriptive exploratory type. The data source was obtained from the Information Department Sistema Único de Saúde. We found 382 cases in the 3rd CRES and 149 in the 7th CRES. Results: in Maracanaú, headquarters of the 3rd CRES, the prevalence was 124.65/100 thousand inhabitants, the largest recorded within the two areas. More than in CRES. The first case in the 3rd CRES emerged in 1985 in Maracanaú, in the 7th CRES, it happened in 1987, in Aracati. The predominant age group was 30 to 39 years old, however, we have had five cities where the majority of cases were in young people. The proportion of women in fertile age was higher in 7th CRES, representing 31.41%. The reason of proportionality between sexes in the areas is still higher among men. The largest category of exposure is heterosexual, with 34%. The vertical transmission was greater in the 3rd CRES, 3.31%. We had the 7th CRES a higher percentage of cases in homosexuals, 15.57%. Regarding the deaths, were registered 11 in 3rd CRES, and Maracanaú contributed 45.45%. In 2004 the 7th CRES was the first death in Aracati. Conclusion: we conclude that there is a decline of the disease in the 3rd CRES, while in the 7th CRES the process is reversed.


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Author Biographies

Francemarie T. Oliveira

Especialista em Vigilância em Saúde pela Universidade Federal do Ceará; Técnica do Departamento de Vigilância Epidemiológica da Secretaria da Saúde no Município de Maracanaú/CE.

Francisca N.A. Nogueira

Mestra em Saúde Pública pela Universidade Federal do Ceará; Professora da Pós-graduação em Metodologia do Ensino na Universidade Vale do Jaguaribe; Assessora da Secretaria da Saúde no Município de Aracati/CE.

Vládia Camurça

Especialista em Vigilância Epidemiológica pela Universidade Federal do Ceará; Coordenadora de Vigilância em Saúde no Município de Maracanaú/CE.

Enilda G. Pessoa

Especialista em Saúde Pública pela Universidade de Ribeirão Preto; Técnica em Vigilância em Saúde na 7- Coordenadoria Regional de Saúde no Ceará

Geysa Maria N. Farias

Especialista em Vigilância Epidemiológica, Gerente de Vigilância Epidemiológica no município de Maracanaú/CE.



How to Cite

Oliveira FT, Nogueira FN, Camurça V, Pessoa EG, Farias GMN. The profile of the aids epidemiological on 3rd and 7th coordinations regional health in Ceara. DST [Internet]. 2009 Jan. 8 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];21(1):16-21. Available from:



Original Article