Prevalência de Papilomavírus humano em lesões benignas e malignas do trato genital feminino


  • Flávia Cristina Carvalho de Deus
  • Lucília da Gama Zardo
  • Mauro Romero Leal Passos
  • Ledy do Horto Santos Oliveira Instituto Biomédico, UFF
  • Silvia Maria Baêta Cavalcanti


Papillomavirus, HPV, ín silu hybridization


In the last years. human papilomaviruses (HPVs) have been implicated as possible etiologic agents of anogenital cancers, especially HPVs types 16 and 18. recognized as oncogenic genomes. ln arder to determine the prevalence ofHPVs DNA in female genital lesions. 35 biopsies from pacients attending Hospital Luiza Gomes de Lemos (INCa) and Setor de Doenças Sexualmente Transmissíveis (UFF) were studied. The speci mens were evaluated by histopathologic cri teria and in situ hybridization (lSH). Procedures to ISH included the use of biotinylated probes specific to HPVs types 6, 11. 16 and 18. Regarding the prevalence of the types. we detected HPV 16 in 39.4% oftliebiopsies. HPV 6 in 34.8%. HPV 18 in 19.7%and HPV 11 in 6.1 % of ali the biopsy specimens. HPV 6 were exclusively found alone in benign lesions such as condyloma or CIN 1. ln premalignant and malignant lesions. high risk HPVs 16 and 18 were invariably found. It is noticeable that a high rate of low grade lesions presented these oncogenic viruses. Hence, the early detection of oncogenic HPVs in initial lesions is of great value since it offers the possibility of a closer and more accurate clinicai and therapeutic procedure to prevent transformation of these lesions into cancers. Associated risk factors for HPV infection were studied. The early onset of sexual activity presented significant correlation with HPV infection and the severity of the lesion. Race did not showrelation to virai infection. although a greater number ofwhite women attended the Hospitais. Finally, HPV in situ hybrid.ization offers the possibility of early detection and typing, of oncogenic HPV g,enomes in potentially premalignant lesions, and thus is considered by usas an efficient too! for cancer prevetion.


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Author Biographies

Flávia Cristina Carvalho de Deus

Bolsista do CNPq (PIBIC-UFF)

Lucília da Gama Zardo

Médica eitpologista do Hospital Ginecológico Luíza Gomes de Lemos, INCa.

Mauro Romero Leal Passos

Porfessor, doutor chefe do setor de Doenças Sexualmente Transmissíveis, UFF.

Ledy do Horto Santos Oliveira, Instituto Biomédico, UFF

Professor Doutor do departamento de microbiologia do Instituto Biomédico, UFF.

Silvia Maria Baêta Cavalcanti

Doutoranda do Instituto de Microbiologia da UFRJ; Financiamento CNPq, UFF-PROPP.



How to Cite

Deus FCC de, Zardo L da G, Passos MRL, Oliveira L do HS, Cavalcanti SMB. Prevalência de Papilomavírus humano em lesões benignas e malignas do trato genital feminino. DST [Internet]. 1995 Apr. 9 [cited 2025 Mar. 15];7(2):4-7. Available from:



Original Article