Aids research

adhesion difficulty for HIV-negative individuals


  • Fernanda P. Santos
  • Alcyone A. Machado


HIV/AIDS, soronegatives, prevention


Toe communication moment of lhe serological diagnosis for the infcction by lhe Human lmmunodeficiency Virus (HlV) appcars as a "dealh sen1ence" fonn whal could promote depression. fcar of a chronic diseasc. physical and mental debilitation and lhe terror of suffering a premature death. Objectifying 10 analyze the causes of 1he non-adhesion and the difficulties of lhe panicipanls of a study on lhe psychological aherations and life quali1y. this work was done in Toe Testing and Counseling Cenlerof lhe Municipal Depanment of Heahh in Ribeirão Pre10-SP. through lhe questionnaire applica1ion WHOQOL- 100 ai lhe moment of lhe first serological cxam and 6 months afler lhe diagnosis of presence or no1 of antibodies against HIV. The instrument is made up or 100 questions in a scale of Liken type answers. delined by six domains and 24 facets. A significant number of HIV-Negative individuais (39/90-43.3%) didn't allend, however lhey have becn conlacted. Twenty-five have verbally confirmed lhe not disposition 10 collaboratc with lhe research, which 8 were scheduled forotherdale and didn't altcnd. Six of the individuais (6,6%) didn't auend because oftransponation difficuhy and 8 (8,8%) were nol found. We conclude that: control and prevemion programs should consider lhe population panicularities. especially stigmas and prejudices; professionals of health musl be prepared for a beuer interaction with lhe population aimed; teams for HIV/Aids prevcntion must be muhidisciplinary and promised 10 stimula1e lhe changc of behavior : clients must be reminded of responsibilities fron1 10 their health.


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Author Biographies

Fernanda P. Santos

Mestranda pela Faculdade de Filosofia Ciências e Letras de Ribeirlo Prelo da Universidade de São Paulo/ Bolsista Fundação Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo.

Alcyone A. Machado

Professora Dr junto ao Depanamento de Clínica Médica da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo. Trabalho realizado no Centro de Testagem e Aconselhamento do Município de Ribeirão Preto. São Paulo. Bolsa de mestrado cedida pela FAPESP.



How to Cite

Santos FP, Machado AA. Aids research: adhesion difficulty for HIV-negative individuals. DST [Internet]. 2001 Sep. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];13(5):43-5. Available from:



Original Article