Global overview of the HIV/Aids epidemic

social aspects and bucal lesions


  • Cesar W. Noce
  • Arley Silva Júnior
  • Sonia M.S. Ferreira


HIV, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, bucal manifestations, social change


Aids is an infection caused by HIV in which there is a profound immunosuppression, leading to the development of several opportunistic infections,including oral lesions, such as bucal candidiasis. In the beginning of the HIV epidemic most of the individuals were adult homosexual men with sexual and or intravenous drug transmission belonging to different social levels. However, this social aspect of the HIV/AIDS infection has beenchanging. Therefore, we propose a literature review regarding HIV social aspects as well as HIV associated bucal lesions, highlighting the importance of the dentist as part of the multidisciplinary treatment of the HIV positive patients.


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Author Biographies

Cesar W. Noce

Especialista em Estomatologia (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro-UFRJ); mestrando em Patologia (Universidade Federal Fluminense-UFF).

Arley Silva Júnior

Especialista em Patologia Oral (UFRJ); mestre em Patologia Buco-Dental (UFF); doutor em Ciências Diagnósticas (Universidade de Maryland, Baltimore), odontólogo do Departamento de Estomatogia da UFRJ e professor de Estomatologia da Universidade Gama Filho.

Sonia M.S. Ferreira

Especialista em Estomatologia (UFRJ); mestre em Advanced General Dentistry (Universidade de Maryland, Baltimore); doutora em Clínica Médica (UFRJ).



How to Cite

Noce CW, Silva Júnior A, Ferreira SM. Global overview of the HIV/Aids epidemic: social aspects and bucal lesions. DST [Internet]. 2005 Dec. 19 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];17(4):301-5. Available from:



Original Article