Association between HPV with penile carcinoma

a review


  • Newton Sergio de Carvalho
  • Ana Paula Kannenberg Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Cristine Munaretto Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Danila Yoshioka Universidade federal do Paraná
  • Maria Cecilia V Absy Universidade federal do Paraná
  • Miriam A Ferreira Universidade federal do Paraná
  • Renato Tambara Filho


HPV, penile cancer, review


This article consists of a review of the theme the association of Human Papillomavirus, or HPV, and penile cancer. This association has been confir-med through research based on electronic periodicals and internal medicine and surgery books, mainly referring to warty and squamous cell carcino-ma types of penile cancer. The main types of HPV related to the discovery of the disease were the 16 and 18. Chan et al.1has found a HPV 16 orHPV 18 DNA prevalence in penile cancer of 15%, whereas the detection rate in a study by Tornesello et al.2was 46,3%. Despite the conclusions, thesmall amount of data and the novelty of the theme require further studies. The relation of the presence of HPV to the patients’ survival is still a topicthat is open to investigation.


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Author Biographies

Newton Sergio de Carvalho

Professor Adjunto-Doutor do Departamento de Tocoginecologia do Hospital de Clínicas da Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR)/Setor de Infecções em GO eCoordenador da Disciplina de Doenças de Transmissão Sexual da UFPR.

Renato Tambara Filho

Professor Adjunto-Doutor do Departamento de Cirurgia do Hospital de Clinicas da Universidade Federal do Paraná – Disciplina de Urologia e Disciplina de Doenças deTransmissão Sexual da UFPR.



How to Cite

Carvalho NS de, Kannenberg AP, Munaretto C, Yoshioka D, Absy MCV, Ferreira MA, et al. Association between HPV with penile carcinoma: a review. DST [Internet]. 2007 Jul. 4 [cited 2025 Mar. 15];19(2):92-5. Available from:



Original Article