Uso de preservativo para prevenção da AIDS

opinião e conduta de estudantes do 2° grau - São Paulo


  • Rogério Guimarães Frota Cordeiro
  • Edméia Rita Temporini Universidade de São Paulo -USP


prevencion of AIDS, opinion, sexual behaviour


ln order to assess high-school students' opinion and behaviour concerning AIDS prevention, an analyrical survey was carried out in São Paulo city, state of São Paulo, Brazil, intended to offer subsides to health and education governmencal agencies. Sophomore and senior students compoimded a non-probablilistic sample totaling 1068 individuais. Tire self-administered questionnaire applied had been structured upon a previous exploratory study with similar populacion. Most of tire students were females (62.3%) with ages varying from 14 to 22. Regarding condom use. they pointed out it diminishes sensicivity (39,7%) and is uncomfortable (46,4%). Among the reasons given for not using it, the most common was that they had a permanent partner (57,8%). Most men and women declared either not using the condom at ali or only rarely it, a fact more evident among the o/der ones. lt is suggested that educational measures towards the adoption of preventive sexual behaviour regarding AIDS should be held and the researches on emotional, social and economic factors related to condom use among teens and yoimg adults should be carried out.


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Author Biographies

Rogério Guimarães Frota Cordeiro

Doutor em Saúde Pública.

Edméia Rita Temporini, Universidade de São Paulo -USP

Professor-associado da Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de São Paulo.



How to Cite

Cordeiro RGF, Temporini ER. Uso de preservativo para prevenção da AIDS: opinião e conduta de estudantes do 2° grau - São Paulo. DST [Internet]. 1997 Jun. 16 [cited 2024 Oct. 6];9(3):29-34. Available from:



Original Article