Search of Ethiological Agent for Sexual Diseases in a Risck Group Comunity


  • Marluce da Costa Gaspar Hospital de Porto Trombetas
  • Cristina Lobato
  • Terezinha Aparecida Machado


Doenças Sexualmente Transmissíveis, Agente Etiológico


The authors present a study performed with a 41 female patientsall ofthen were prostitutes and so, in a risk group for sexual diseases. The study was performed to evaluatethe incidence of ethiological agents (A.E.) tothis seletive group. One hundred percent (100%) had ai least one type of. A.E. And the association oftwo was a common finding. This search wasperformed dueto medical control "lnloco" with this patients. The results, was processgo at "Hospital de Porto Trombetas", located in closed Mining Project, at Amazon Forest, nearthe place ofthe collected samples. The authors canclude that early sexual practice incre ase the risc of geting sexual disease.


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Author Biographies

Marluce da Costa Gaspar, Hospital de Porto Trombetas

Médico - Ginecologsta do Hospital de Porto Trombetas - Pará.

Cristina Lobato

Enfermeira de Saúde Pública de Porto Trombetas.

Terezinha Aparecida Machado

Bioquímica do Hospital de Porto Trombetas.



How to Cite

Gaspar M da C, Lobato C, Machado TA. Search of Ethiological Agent for Sexual Diseases in a Risck Group Comunity. DST [Internet]. 1994 Jun. 10 [cited 2024 Sep. 1];6(2):42-5. Available from:



Original Article