Prevalency study of congenital syphilis in one Hospital of SUS group in Niteroi City– RJ
congenital syphilis, prevention, public healthAbstract
Introdution: the number of cases of congenital syphilis (CS) have been increasing, that ́s represent an important cause of morbid and mortality of babies.Objective: identify and describe a prevalence of congetial syphilis in one Hospital of Nicteroy city - RJ. Method: describe all notification cases of con-genital syphilis in the Azevedo Lima State Hospital at Niterói city in Rio de Janeiro State, on the period of january 2002 to october 2004. Results: demonstrated of 161 cases of congenital syphilis in 7.341 internments for cases of abortion and childbirth work, with the prevalence was 21,81% and anincidence was 2,2%. More than half of the women attacks for SC (66,65%) it carried through the prenatal one. The average of the women who had car-ried through the VDRL during the prenatal one was the 44,10%.The number of partners was low: 6,8%. The cases with new born with syphilis, abortionand decedent were 13,66%, 1,86% and 3,72% respectively. Conclusion: the number of cases of CS during the years of the study if kept high and con-stant. The taxes of prevalence and incidence of CS had been superior the praised ones for the WHO. More than half of the momen realized VDRL onlyon the childbirth moment. The number of partners not treated for syphilis was expressive highly.