The Durban Declaration
HIV causes AIDS. Curbing the spread of this virus must remain the first step towards eliminating this devastating disease
Sevenleen ycar after the discovery of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), thousands of individuais from around the world are galhering in Durban, Soulh Africa, to attend the XIII International Aids Conference, which starts next week (9 July). At the tum of the milennium, figures released last week reveal that an estimated 34,3 million people worldwide are living with HIV or Aids, 24,5 miliion of the in sub-Saharan Africa Last year a lonc, 2,8 million people died of Aids, the highest rate sincc the start of the epidemie. If current trends continue, southern and Southeast Asia, South America and regions or the former Soviet Union will also bear a heavy burden io the next two decades. [...]